Friday, September 19, 2008

September 20, 2008

Im in the mood for some blog updating ;)

HW #2 (10 pts.) Size 1
1. Look for a contemporary song (religious one would do) which portrays something about sin
2. Identify the kind of sin (from the 7 capital sins)
3. Explain the definition of that said sin in accordance to the song chosen
4. DOCUMENTATION is due this Friday

DD Chemistry
1. Mermaid and Hot surfer dude here we come :)) Try to think about it during the weekend
2. Dont forget to bring the stuff you need on TUESDAY (coloring materials etc)
3. Lab Report on LEAVES due on Thursday
4. Lab Report on Aluminum due Wednesday (the following week)

1. For the nth time Vocab quiz (Hamlet-Mordant)

NDD Geometry
1. Challenge if you can prove whatever it is Ms. wants you to prove then you get plus 2 in your total number of quizzes

1. Bring Stationary/Short bond paper
2. Coloring Materials
3. Envelopes

Scheduled Practices for Next Week:
1. Monday & Thursday 10 15 - 12 15
During the Actual Activity
Wear: Gala Uniform
Reg: 7 00 am
Starts: 8 00 am

1. Dont forget to start looking for an awesome hairspray outfit ;)
2. Study the song run and tell that :D

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