Hail! St. Paul of Tarsus, from the tribe of Benjamin.
You were called and set apart: Apostle of Good News!
Verse 1
From that midday at Damascus, to your martyrdom in Rome,
You have taught and lived the message: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!
It was He, the Risen Savior, whom you met along that road.
You have preached it and you wrote it.
We Paulinians do believe: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!
Verse 2
There is joy in human sorrow. There is love in every heart.
There is no fear of tomorrow: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!
It was from the cross our father made Him triumph over all.
None can change it now, nor break it.
We Paulinians do believe: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!
Hail! St. Paul of Tarsus, patron of Paulinian Schools,
Win Paulinians who are living: Heralds of Good News